Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme
Joyful Learning for 3-5 year olds
Weeks 4, 5, and 6
Week 4: Noah and the Ark
Week 4 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for the first two weeks)
Bible Memory Chart
(Same as previous week)
Sample Activities:

Week 4 Songs and Poems:
Rub a Dub Dub
Rub a dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick maker,
Turn them out, knaves all three!
Who Built the Ark?
Who built the ark? Noah! Noah!
Who built the ark? Brother Noah built the ark!
Old man Noah built the ark.
He built it out of hickory bark.
He built it big, both wide and tall -
For all of the animals great and small!
Who built the ark? Noah! Noah!
Who built the ark? Brother Noah built the ark!
Noah Built the Boat
(Tune: 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat')
Noah built the boat
like God told him to!
Rain fell down all around,
But they were safe and warm!
Good Old Noah Built a Boat
(Tune: 'Old MacDonald')
Good old Noah built a boat
like God told him to!
And on that boat he took two lions
like God told him to!
With a roar here and a roar there.
Here a roar! There a roar! Everywhere a roar! Roar!
Good old Noah built a boat
like God told him to!
Additional Verses:
Substitute lions with other animals and their sounds.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row, your boat
gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily.
Life is but a dream!
Rise and Shine
Chorus: (Repeat after each verse)
Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory!
Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory!
Rise and shine – And - Give God the glory, glory,
Children of the Lord.
The Lord said to Noah there's goanna be a floody, floody.
The Lord said to Noah there's goanna be a floody, floody.
Get those children – out of the muddy, muddy,
Children of the Lord.
The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky.
The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky.
He built it out of - hickory barky barky
Children of the Lord.
The animals they came, they came by twosies twosies
The animals they came, they came by twosies twosies.
Elephants and kangaroosies roosies
Children of the Lord.
It rained and poured for 40 long daysies daysies.
It rained and poured for 40 long daysies daysies.
It must have drove those- animals crazy, crazy.
Children of the Lord.
The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy.
The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy.
Everything was- fine and dandy, dandy.
Children of the Lord.
The Lord He kept, He kept, His promise, promise.
The Lord He kept, He kept, His promise, promise.
They all were safe and – protected by Him, by Him!
Children of the Lord.
Week 4 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Bb Letter Art Letters
Animal Match
B or b Letter Sorting Mats
Bb not Bb Letter Sorting Mat
God keeps His promises Sheet
Banana Boat Recipe
Letter Song Craft Sheet Bb
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Noah and the Ark Coloring Sheets (DLTK)
Noah's Ark Coloring Mural (Jan Brett)
Week 5: Abraham and Sarah: Birth of Isaac
Week 5 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 5 Songs and Poems:
Hey Diddle Diddle
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed
to see such a sport.
And the dish
ran away with the spoon.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are!
Father Abraham
Father Abraham
had many sons.
Many sons had Father Abraham.
I am one of them.
And so are you!
So, let's just praise the Lord!
Say one of the movements below and then repeat the chorus while
moving that and the other body parts...
(Right arm! Left arm! Right foot! Left foot! Chin up! Turn around! Sit down!)
Week 5 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Cc Letter Art Letters
Count the Stars Booklet
Number Bingo
Cc Not Cc Letter Sort Mat
Feelings Bingo
AaBbCc Sorting Mat
Numerals and Spinner
Feelings Faces Snack Recipe
Letter Song Craft Sheet Cc
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Online Feelings Game - from Do2Learn
Printable Feelings Faces - from Early Childhood Activities
Week 6: Jacob and Esau
Week 6 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 6 Songs and Poems:
Peas Porridge Hot
Peas, porridge hot
Peas, porridge cold
Peas, porridge in the pot
Nine days old!
God Made All of Me
(Tune: 'Mary Had a Little Lamb')
(From: Bible Learning Games: Reproducible Activities for Ages 2 and 3
by Mary Rose Pearson. Rainbow Books: 2000)
Touch head and then toes.
Extend arms outward.
All of me from head to toe,
Head to toe, Head to toe,
All of me from head to toe.
God made all of me!
Point to eyes.
Extend arms outward.
He made my eyes so I could see,
I could see, I could see,
He made my eyes so I could see.
God made all of me!
Cup ears.
Extend arms outward.
He made my ears so I could hear,
I could hear, I could hear,
He made my ears so I could hear.
God made all of me!
Point to mouth.
Extend arms outward.
He made my mouth so I could talk,
I could talk, I could talk,
He made my mouth so I could talk.
God made all of me!
Hold out hands and wiggle.
Extend arms outward.
He made my hands so I could feel,
I could feel, I could feel,
He made my hands so I could feel.
God made all of me!
Move feet up and down in place to pretend to walk.
Extend arms outward.
He made my feet so I could walk,
I could walk,
I could walk,
He made my feet so I could walk.
God made all of me!
Circle Song
(Tune: 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush')
This is a circle as you can see.
It goes around, without an end.
This is a circle as you can see.
Now draw it in the air with me!
Rectangle Song
(Tune: 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush')
This is a rectangle as you can see.
It has two short sides and two long.
This is a rectangle as you can see.
Now draw it in the air with me!
Five Senses
(Tune: 'Where is Thumbkin?')
Five senses, five senses
We have them. We have them.
Seeing, hearing, touching,
Tasting and smelling.
There are five. There are five.
Point to each body part as the sense is mentioned.
Week 6 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Dd Letter Art Letters
D or d Letter Sorting Mat
Dd Not Dd Letter Sorting Mat
Five Senses Game Pictures
Esau's Fuzzy Fruit Arms Recipe
Letter Song Craft Sheet Dd
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Printable Senses Sheets - from
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