Joyful Learning in October
Bible Concept:
The Bible is God's special book for me.
October Theme
October's Songs and Poems
Related Links for October
October Themes
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet)
Bible Memory:
Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Sample Activities:

October's Songs and Poems
The Leaves on the Tree
(From: Barbara Pratt at Pratt's Educational Resources)
(Tune: 'The Wheels on the Bus')
The leaves on the tree are falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
The leaves on the tree are falling down,
Red, yellow, orange, and brown!
The leaves on the ground go crunch, crunch, crunch,
crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.
The leaves on the ground go crunch, crunch, crunch,
All through the fall!
I Know Fall Is Here
(By: M. Hubbard)
(Tune: 'The Farmer in the Dell')
The leaves fall from the trees.
The leaves fall from the trees.
I know fall is here.
The leaves fall from the trees.
The squirrels scurry round.
The squirrels scurry round.
I know fall is here.
The squirrels scurry round.
The wind brings cool air.
The wind brings cool air.
I know fall is here.
The wind brings cool air.
The birds fly south.
The birds fly south.
I know fall is here.
The birds fly south.
Ten Bright Leaves
(from Little Hands Fingerplays and Action Songs: Seasonal Rhymes and Creative Play for 2 to 6 Year Olds by Emily Stetson, p. 14)
10 little leaves up in a tree.
(Hold your hands up high, with all 10 fingers wiggling above your head.)
They're as bright as they can be.
Along comes the wind blowing all around.
(Wave your arms back and forth like the wind.)
And 1 bright leaf falls to the ground!
(Have one hand flutter to the ground.)
(Continue with 9, 8, etc. making sure to stand back up
with only that number of fingers showing.)
Red, Yellow, Green, and Brown
(Tune: 'London Bridge')
Red, and yellow, green, and brown.
green, and brown, green, and brown.
Red, and yellow, green, and brown.
Leaves are falling to the ground.
We pile them up oh so high
oh so high, oh so high.
We pile them up oh so high.
Then we jump in - you and I!
Little Leaves
1 little, 2 little, 3 little leaves.
4 little, 5 little, 6 little leaves.
7 little, 8 little, 9 little leaves.
10 little leaves fall to the ground!
Pumpkin, Pumpkin
(Tune: 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star')
(from Little Hands Fingerplays and Action Songs: Seasonal Rhymes and Creative Play for 2 to 6 Year Olds by Emily Stetson.)
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground.
(Crouch down close to the ground.)
How'd you get so big and round?
(Stretch arms out wide and then form a circle.)
Once you were a seed so small.
(Pretend to hold a tiny seed.)
Now you are a great big ball!
(Make a big circle with your arms.)
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground.
(Crouch down close to the ground.)
How'd you get so big and round?
(Stretch arms out wide and then form a circle.)
Pumpkins are Growing
(Tune: 'Frere Jacques')
Pumpkins are growing.
Pumpkins are growing.
In the patch.
In the patch.
Look at all the pumpkins.
Growing in the patch.
Orange and round.
Orange and round.
Here is Jack-O- happy.
Here is Jack-O- sad.
Here is Jack-O- sleepy.
Here is Jack-O- mad.
This is Jack in pieces small,
But in a pie, he's best of all!
I'm a Little Pumpkin
(Tune: 'I'm a Little Teapot')
I'm a little pumpkin, short and stout.
I'm packed full of seeds
that you can take out.
When you are all finished,
Then I'll be
The cutest pumpkin you ever did see!