Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme
Joyful Learning for 3-5 year olds
Weeks 10-12
Week 10: Battle of Jericho
Week 10 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 10 Songs and Poems:
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty
sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty
had a great fall.
All the kings horses
and all the King's men
couldn't put Humpty
together again!
My God is So Big
My God is so big,
(Move your hands out from each side, as far apart as possible.)
So strong and so mighty,
(Make a muscle with your left arm. Repeat with your right arm.)
There's nothing my God cannot do.
(Shake head 'No' and point up.)
(Clap 2 times.)
Repeat Chorus
The mountains are His,
(Make upside down "v" with hands and arms to represent mountains.)
The valleys are His,
(Make "v" with hands and arms to represent valleys.)
The stars are His handiwork too.
(Hold hands above head, rapidly moving fingers like twinkling stars.)
Repeat Chorus
Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho.
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came tumbling down!
I'm in the Lord's Army
I may never march in the infantry,
ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery.
I may never zoom o'er the enemy.
But I'm in the Lord's army!
I'm in the Lord's army – Yes Sir!
I'm in the Lord's army – Yes Sir!
(Repeat all)
Week 10 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Hh Letter Art Letters
H or h Letter Sorting Mats
Hh not Hh Letter Sorting Mat
Will It Roll? - Pictures of rolling and non rolling items
Letter Song Craft Sheet Hh
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Musical Instrument Bingo - free audio and printable sheet created by James Crocker
Review/ Halloween
Week Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Halloween Songs and Poems:
There's a Spider on the Shape
(From: The Mailbox (Preschool). The Education Center: Oct/Nov 2004.)
(Tune: 'If You're Happy and You Know It')
There's a spider on the (shape), on the (shape).
There's a spider on the (shape), on the (shape).
Look at that spider go.
It is moving to and fro.
There's a spider on the (shape), on the (shape).
Jack O Happy
Here is Jack-O- happy.
Here is Jack-O- sad.
Here is Jack-O- sleepy.
Here is Jack-O- mad.
This is Jack in pieces small,
But in a pie, he's best of all!
Halloween Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Pumpkin Sequence - Printable sheet from Kidz Club
Week 11: David and Goliath
Week 11 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Ii is for Israelites Review Sheet
Sample Activities:

Week 11 Songs and Poems:
Grand Old Duke of York
Oh, the grand old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up
to the top of the hill
and he marched them down again.
When they were up, they were up
and when they were down,
they were down
and when they were only halfway up
they were neither up nor down.
I'm in the Lord's Army
I may never march in the infantry,
ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery.
I may never zoom o'er the enemy.
But I'm in the Lord's army!
I'm in the Lord's army – Yes Sir!
I'm in the Lord's army – Yes Sir!
(Repeat all)
Only a Boy Named David
Only a boy named David.
Only a little sling.
Only a boy named David.
But he did pray and sing.
Only a boy named David.
Only a rippling brook
Only a boy named David
But five little stones he took.
And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round.
And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round.
And round and round
And round and round
And round and round and round!
And one little stone went up in the air -
And the giant came tumbling down!
Hold Your Hand
(From Theme Escapades: Learning Units for all Occasions by Laverne Waverly and Ken Craycraft. Good Apple: 1992.)
(Tune: 'The Muffin Man')
Oh, can you hold your hand up high?
Your hand up high? Your hand up high?
Oh, can you hold your hand up high?
Up in the air!
Oh, can you hold your hand down low?
Your hand down low? Your hand down low?
Oh, can you hold your hand down low?
Down near the ground!
(Repeat while holding different objects and inserting the object's name instead of 'hand'.)
Trust and Obey
Trust and obey.
For there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus.
But to trust and obey.
Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in.
You put your right foot out.
You put your right foot in.
And you shake it all about!
You do the Hokey Pokey,
and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
(Additional Movements - left foot, right hand, left hand,
right side, left side, nose, backside, head, whole self )
Little David (Play On Your Harp)
Little David.
Play on your harp.
Hallelu! Hallelu!
Little David.
Play on your harp.
Little David was a shepherd boy -
He killed Goliath and shouted for joy!
Week 11 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Letter Art Ii
I or i Letter Sorting Mats
Ii not Ii Letter Sorting Mat
Letter Song Craft Sheet Ii
Week 12: David and the Ark
Week 12 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 12 Songs and Poems:
Old King Cole
Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
and a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe
in the middle of the night
And he called for his fiddlers three.
Every fiddler had a fine fiddle,
and a very fine fiddle had he;
Oh there's none so rare
as can compare
With King Cole
and his fiddlers three.
This Is the Day
This is the day. (Echo.)
That the Lord has made. (Echo.)
I will rejoice. (Echo.)
And be glad in it! (Echo.)
This is the day that the Lord has made!
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day. (Echo.)
That the Lord has made!
I Have the Joy Down In My Heart
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart.
Where? Down in my heart.
Down in my heart.
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart.
Down in my heart to stay!
And I'm so happy.
So very happy.
I have the love of Jesus in my heart.
Hands and Fingers
Move your hands as you recite this poem…
Up and down, round and round (draw circles in the air)
put your fingers on the ground.
Over (hold hands above lap)
under (move hands below legs)
in between (you've hidden your hands in between your legs)
Now my fingers can't be seen!
Hands in front.
Hands behind.
Now my hands I cannot find.
Here's my left hand.
here's my right.
Hands and fingers back in sight (wriggle fingers).
Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Jj Letter Art Letters
J or j Letter Sorting Mats
Jj not Jj Letter Sorting Mat
Letter Song Craft Sheet Jj
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