Celebrating Easter and Christ's Sacrifice

May these resources help you and your family keep the focus on Christ this Easter.
Steps to the Cross
ebook for sale at out Teacher’s Pay Teachers Store
Easter Story Cookies
Marshmallow Resurrection Rolls
Printable Booklets
Songs and Poems
Books and Videos
Additional Resources
There are several free resources on this page, but it you would you like additional ideas and resources for celebrating Easter with preschoolers through upper elementary aged children, please consider purchasing
Steps to the Cross: Celebrating Easter and Christ's Sacrifice
- an eBook available for purchase that I have used with our own homeschooling family...
Steps to the Cross:
Celebrating Easter
and Christ’s Sacrifice
Need more information? Enjoy a free sample!
Scripture Connections
Memory Verses
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His One and Only Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have eternal life.
Matthew 28:6a
He is not here. He has risen, just as He said.
Romans 5:8b
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities.
The punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Easter Scavenger Hunt
Easter Scavenger Hunt
Printable Easter Scavenger Hunt
Go on a scavenger hunt based on clues found in the biblical account of Jesus' steps to the cross! Look up each verse for the needed word. Then, locate the item and take a photo.
Scripture Cut-Apart Easter Eggs
Scripture Cut-Apart Easter Eggs
Printable Scripture Cut-Aparts
Place cut apart verses inside of Easter eggs. After kids locate all of the eggs of the same color, they build the verse!
Easter Scripture Reading Wheel
Easter Scripture Reading Wheel
Easter Scripture Reading Wheel
Cut apart the two wheels. Then, attach together with a brass fastener.
Turn the wheel each day to read Scripture leading up to Easter!
Fingerprint Sins on the Cross
Fingerprint Sin on the Cross
Materials Needed:
Printable Sheets
washable paint and paper plate (or a colorful ink stamp pad)
wet paper towel per child
covering for work surface
Salvation Bracelet
Salvation Bracelet
Materials Needed:
1 pipe cleaner per child (I know the picture shows something different for the children to string, but I have found since then that pipe cleaners work best!), pony beads for each child (1 yellow, 1 black, 1 red, 1 white, 1 green, 14 clear)
1) Let children choose color of pipe cleaner.
2) Adult models order of the beads and meaning of each as each child counts out and makes their own….
3 clear, 1 yellow (heaven), 2 clear, 1 black (sinner), 2 clear, 1 red (Jesus died), 2 clear, 1 white (forgiven), 2 clear, 1 green (grow), 3 clear
3) Twist ends and cut as necessary.
Tissue Paper and Styrofoam Eggs
Materials Needed:
any size Styrofoam shaped egg (available at most craft stores)
cut tissue paper squares (any fun spring colors)
liquid starch
paint brush
disposable plate to act as a work surface
a disposable cup (turned upside down for the child to hold onto easier)
a toothpick (poked in the bottom of the egg in order to set it on the cup)
smock per child
After setting up the work area (as pictured above), the child alternates placing liquid starch and tissue paper squares all over the egg. Once completely covered, leave the egg on the toothpick and cup to dry. Thoroughly wash out the paintbrush. Enjoy the beautiful handcrafted eggs!
Edible Connections
Printable Easter Booklets for Emergent Readers
Songs and Poems
Ho, Ho, Ho, Hosanna
Ho, Ho, Ho, Hosa a na
Ha, Ha, Ha, leigh lu u iah
He, He, He has sa aved me.
I've got the joy of the Lord!
Praise Ye the Lord
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Halleluiah
- Praise Ye the Lord!
Praise ye the Lord - Halleluiah!
Praise ye the Lord - Halleluiah!
Praise ye the Lord - Halleluiah!
Praise ye the Lord!
(a small portion from a Michael W. Smith song...)
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna!
Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him, Praise Him all ye little children.
God is love. God is love.
Serve Him, Serve Him all ye little children.
God is love. God is love.
Love Him, Love Him all ye little children.
God is love. God is love.
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes. Jesus loves me.
Yes. Jesus loves me.
Yes. Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so!
Praise the Lord Together
Praise the Lord together, singing A- leigh- lu u
A- leigh- lu- u, A- leigh- lu- u
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
1, 2, Jesus Loves You
(from biblekidsfunzone.com)
1, 2, Jesus loves you,
3, 4, 5, Jesus is alive!
6, 7, 8, I can't wait...
9, 10, 11, to see Him in heaven!
Jesus Died For You and Me
(Tune: 'London Bridge')
(By A. Hubbard)
Jesus died for you and me.
You and me. You and me.
Jesus died for you and me.
He loves you and me!
Jesus rose up from the grave.
From the grave. From the grave.
Jesus rose up from the grave.
He loves you and me!
Jesus Died For All the Children
(From: everythingpreschool.com)
(Tune: 'Jesus Loves the Little Children')
Jesus died for all the children.
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children of the world.
Jesus Saved Me
(Tune: 'Jesus Loves Me')
(By M. Hubbard)
Jesus saved me, this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
Nailed to the cross for my own sins,
died, and buried, and raised again!
Yes, Jesus saved me!
Yes, Jesus saved me.
Yes, Jesus saved me.
He saved me from my sins.
Books and Videos
My Easter Basket and the True Story of Easter by Mary Manz Simon
The Story of the Resurrection Eggs in Rhyme and Song by Jean Thomas
The Best Thing About Easter by Christine Tangvald
Easter is For Me! by Christine Tangvald
Why Is There a Cross? By Katherine Long Bostrom
My First Story of Easter by Tim Dowley
Usborne Bible Stories: The Easter Story by Heather Amery
What is Easter? by Lillie James
The Easter Story by Thomas Nelson Publishing
A Child's Story of Easter by Etta Wilson
The Easter Story by Patricia Pingry.
The Parable of the Lily by Liz Curtis Higgs
The Easter Story by Carol Heyer
Jesus Lives: The Easter Story by Standard Publishing (A Happy Day book)
Let's Celebrate Jesus on Easter by Standard Publishing (A Happy Day book)
The Easter Story by Brian Wildsmith
Mommy, Why Did Jesus Have to Die? by Dian Layton
The Story of Passover by Barry Silberg
Benjamin's Box: A Resurrection Story by Melody Carson
The Legend of the Easter Egg by Lori Walburg
The Week That Led to Easter
Resurrection Eggs from Family Life
Miss Patty Cake's 'Egg'stravaganza
The Animated Passion Trilogy - 3 DVD set from Nest Family Entertainment (includes Worthy Is the Lamb, He Is Risen, and The Kingdom of Heaven)
Additional Resources
Paper Bag Donkey Craft - from DLTK Bible
Tissue Paper Collage Palm Craft - from DLTK Bible
He is Risen Color Sheet - from Teacher Help
Jesus Riding on a Donkey Color Sheet - from Sermons for Kids
Jesus Praying in the Garden Color Sheet - from Sermons for Kids
The Last Supper Color Sheet - from Sermons for Kids
Easter Hands Wreath- from DLTK
Egg Shell Mosaic Cross - from That Artist Woman
Easter Story Eggs - Open one egg each of the 12 days leading up to resurrection Sunday (from Annie's Resurrection Sunday page)
Easter Storybook Printables - form Life Your Way
Printable Easter Egg Verses - from The Crafty Classroom
The Parable of the Lily - lesson ideas prepared by Homeschool Share
The Tale of the Three Trees - lesson ideas prepared by Homeschool Share
Hill of Calvary - a garden craft from Mustard Seeds
Colorful Light Ray Cross - from Housing a Forest
Easter Story Wreath - from Wee Little Miracles