(Activities to Cultivate a Heart of Thankfulness)
The Thank Him Tree (Names of God Leaf Printables)
The Thank Him Tree
Thankful Tree
Gather a few sticks, some rocks, and a vase. Print tags. Hole punch and attach string. Set out for kids and family to write about and then hang to display what they are thankful for. A simple way to focus our hearts on being thankful during this season!

Thankful Tree Tags (from Hubbard's Cupboard)
Thankful, Grateful, Blessed Tags (for purchase at our Joyful Heart Learning Store at Teachers Pay Teachers)
I am Thankful Tags (from Jones Design Company)
Also check out My ABCs of Thanksgiving
(for purchase at our Joyful Heart Learning Store at Teachers Pay Teachers)!
Thanksgiving Activity Countdown
Thanksgiving Activity Cards - no numerals, pick and choose which activities to incorporate,(activities and wording based off of the ideas at 24/7Moms)
Thanksgiving Countdown Cards- numerals only, write in your own activities
Scripture Memorization
Psalm 103 - a memorization and meditation booklet!
Thanksgiving Printable Booklet
The Pilgrim Story
Thanksgiving Lesson Plans for Grades K/1
The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving
Place Cards and Scripture Circles
Thanksgiving Games
Have you heard of the game, ‘Don’t Eat Pete!’? Well, this document has 3 free printable Thanksgiving versions for your family to try! Instructions are included in the download.
- Don’t Eat Tom! (a traditional turkey in disguise)
- Don’t Eat Reggie! (same as above, except one turkey is holding a pizza and is titled using the main character from the movie Free Birds)
- Don’t Eat the Pie! (based off of the children’s Thanksgiving story titled, ‘The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie’)