Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme
Joyful Learning for 3-5 year olds
Weeks 13-15
Week 13: Elijah
Week 13 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 13 Songs and Poems:
Wee Willie Winkie
Wee Willie Winkie
runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs
in his nightgown,
Tapping at the window
and crying through the lock,
Are all the children
in their beds,
it's past eight o'clock?
God Provided
(Tune: 'Itsy Bitsy Spider')
(By M. Hubbard)
The prophet Elijah listened and obeyed God.
He went to the king and told him it wouldn't rain.
The land was dry and nothing would grow.
But God provided for Elijah!
My God is So Big
My God is so big,
(Move your hands out from each side, as far apart as possible.)
So strong and so mighty,
(Make a muscle with your left arm. Repeat with your right arm.)
There's nothing my God cannot do.
(Shake head 'No' and point up.)
(Clap 2 times.)
Repeat Chorus
The mountains are His,
(Make upside down "v" with hands and arms to represent mountains.)
The valleys are His,
(Make "v" with hands and arms to represent valleys.)
The stars are His handiwork too.
(Hold hands above head, rapidly moving fingers like twinkling stars.)
Repeat Chorus
Week 13 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Kk Letter Art Letters
K or k Letter Sorting Mats
Kk not Kk Letter Sorting Mat
Spatial Relationships Cut and Paste
Letter Song Craft Sheet Kk
Week 14: Jonah
Week 14 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 14 Songs and Poems:
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
Peter Peter
pumpkin eater,
Had a wife
and couldn't keep her!
He put her in a
pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her
very well!
Where Is Jonah?
(Tune: 'Frere Jacques')
Where is Jonah? Where is Jonah?
In a boat. In a boat.
What is Jonah doing? What is Jonah doing?
Running from God. Running from God.
Where is Jonah? Where is Jonah?
In a fish. In a fish.
What is Jonah doing? What is Jonah doing?
Praying to God. Praying to God.
Where is Jonah? Where is Jonah?
Nineveh. Nineveh.
What is Jonah doing? What is Jonah doing?
Sharing God's love. Sharing God's love.
Jonah, Jonah, Where Are You?
(From: Bible Learning Games: Reproducible Activities for Ages 2 and 3 by Mary Rose Pearson.)
(Tune: 'London Bridge')
Jonah, Jonah, Where are you?
Where are you? Where are you?
Jonah, Jonah, Where are you?
In the fish!
(Have your child stand next to you. On the word 'fish', place your arms around him as though he were stuck inside the fish.)
Jonah, Jonah, Pray to God.
Pray to God. Pray to God.
Jonah, Jonah, Pray to God.
In the fish!
(Gently rock your child back and forth.
Have him pretend to pray as he is in the swimming fish.)
Jonah, Jonah, You may go.
You may go. You may go.
Jonah, Jonah, You may go.
From the fish!
(Release you child from the 'fish'.)
Who Did Swallow Jonah?
Who did, who did,
Who did, who did
Who did swallow
Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo
Who did, who did,
Who did, who did
Who did swallow
Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo
Who did, who did,
Who did, who did
Who did swallow
Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo
Who did swallow Jonah,
Who did swallow Jonah
Who did swallow Jonah down?
Whale did, whale did,
Whale did, whale did
Whale did swallow
Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo
Whale did, whale did,
Whale did, whale did
Whale did swallow
Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo
Whale did, whale did,
Whale did, whale did
Whale did swallow
Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo
Whale did swallow Jonah,
Whale did swallow Jonah.
Whale did swallow Jonah down!
You do, you do
You do, you do
You do what the Lord tells you to.
You do, you do
You do, you do
You do what the Lord tells you to.
You do what the Lord says.
You do what the Lord says.
You do what the Lord tells you!
Week 14 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Ll Letter Art Letters
L or l Letter Sorting Mats
Ll not Ll Letter Sorting Mat
Letter Song Craft Sheet Ll
Inside the Fish Experience
Fish Sort
Pumpkin Pocket Sorting
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater Characters
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Jonah and the Big Fish Craft - from Kids Sunday School
Week 15: Daniel in the Lions' Den
Week 15 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 15 Songs and Poems:
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain.
And the itsy bitsy spider
went up the spout again.
I Like the Bible
I like the Bible. I like the Bible.
'Cause I read it and I do it! I read it and I do it!
When I'm reading through it, I read it and I do it!
I obey what I have heard. I'm a doer of the Word.
And I like the Bible.
Daniel in the Lions' Den
(From: Bible Learning Games: Ages 2 and 3; Rainbow Books: 2000.)
Daniel's in the lions' den
(Place your hands over your eyes, spreading your fingers and peering through. Look scared.)
Say, will the lions bite?
(Open your mouth wide and close tight. Growl!)
No, no. They cannot do it.
(Shake your head.)
God shut their mouths up tight!
(Point up towards God. Cover your mouth with your hand.)
Whisper A Prayer
Whisper a prayer in the morning.
Whisper a prayer at noon.
Whisper a prayer in the evening.
To keep your heart in tune.
God answers prayer in the morning.
God answers prayer at noon.
God answers prayer in the evening.
He'll keep your heart in tune.
Going on a Lion Hunt
Have children repeat each verse after you.
Have them alternate slapping their thighs and clapping their hands to the rhythm of the story.
We're going on a lion hunt.
We're not afraid.
We're going to catch a big one!
(Spread arms open wide.)
But look!
What's that ahead?
(Place your hand above your eyes as though you were looking far away.)
There's mud ahead!
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Better go through it.
(Make sloshing sounds and move hands and feet as if wading through mud.)
There's a lake ahead.
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Better swim through it.
(Make swimming motions.)
There's a gate ahead.
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Better go through it.
(Gesture as if you open a gate, walk through, and close it.)
There's tall grass ahead.
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
We'd better crawl through it.
(Crawl around, moving your hands to push the grass out of your way.)
There's a cave ahead.
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Guess we'll have to walk into it.
(Tip toe quietly.)
Look to the left. Look to the right.
Look Up. Look Down.
I think I see some big eyes!
(Place fingers to form circles around eyes.)
I think it's a LION!
(Throw arms back and make scared faces.)
Run out of the cave!
Crawl through the grass!
Open the gate!
Swim across the lake!
Wade through the mud!
Run into the house!
Close the door!
Run up the front stairs!
Crawl under your bed!
Whew! We made it!
(Wipe forehead.)
And we weren't afraid!
(Shake head 'No.')
Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Mm Letter Art Letters
M or m Letter Sorting Mats
Mm Not Mm Letter Sorting Mat
Letter Song Craft Sheet Mm
Review/ Thanksgiving
Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Songs and Poems:
Thank You God
By M. Hubbard
(Tune: London Bridge)
We thank you God, everyday, everyday, everyday.
We thank you God, everyday.
We say "Thank You!"
(You can insert 'for our food', 'for good friends', 'for family',
'for Your Son', 'for Your love', etc. instead of 'everyday'.)
If You're Thankful and You Know It
(Tune: 'If You're Happy and You Know It')
If you're thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
If you're thankful and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
(stomp your feet, say "Thank you God", do all three)
Turkey Strut
(Tune: 'The Hokey Pokey')
(from Little Hands Fingerplays and Action Songs: Seasonal Rhymes and Creative Play for 2 to 6 Year Olds by Emily Stetson, p. 34.)
You put your right wing in.
You put your right wing out.
You put your right wing in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the turkey strut
and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
Additional Verses...
left wing (left arm)
drumstick (leg)
stuffing (belly)
wattle (head)
tail feathers (backside)
turkey body (whole body)
Poem to Accompany the Handprint Turkey Card
This isn't just any turkey,
As anyone can see.
I made it with my hand,
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love,
Especially to say,
I hope you have a very
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Pilgrim Numeral Match Flip Book - from Early Learning Activities
Back to Main Bible and Rhyme Back to Weeks 10-12 Next to Week 16