Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme
Joyful Learning for 3-5 year olds
Weeks 26-27
Week 26: Judas Betraying Jesus
Week 26 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 26 Songs and Poems:
Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue
come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow
the cow's in the corn.
But where is the boy
who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haystack
fast asleep.
There Were Twelve Disciples
(By Danielle ___)
(Tune: 'Jesus Loves Me')
Jesus called them one by one
Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
Then came Phillip, Thomas, too.
Matthew and Bartholomew
Did Jesus love them? Did Jesus love them?
Yes, Jesus loved them.
The Bible tells me so.
Then he called them James the less,
Simon, also Thadeaus,
Twelve disciples Judas made.
Jesus was by him betrayed.
Did Jesus love them? Did Jesus love them?
Yes, Jesus loved them.
The Bible tells me so.
(By M. Hubbard)
(Tune: 'Ten Little Indians')
1 little, 2 little, 3 little seeds,
4 little, 5 little, 6 little seeds,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little seeds.,
10 little seeds blow in the wind!
(Stand straight up with your arms in the air.
Spin around and gradually get lower until you aresitting on the floor.)
1 little, 2 little, 3 little dandelions.
4 little, 5 little, 6 little dandelions,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little dandelions,
10 little dandelions pop up and grow!
(Squat down and then pop up quickly and raise your arms!)
Week 26 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Xx Letter Art Letters
Xx Not Xx Letter Sorting Mat
/ks/ Not /ks/ Picture Sound Sort
Judas' Coins
Letter Song Craft Sheet Xx
Week 27: Jesus' Death and Resurrection
Week 27 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 27 Songs and Poems:
Hot Cross Buns
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny
two a penny -
Hot cross buns
If you have no daughters,
give them to your sons
One a penny
two a penny -
Hot cross buns!
Father, I Adore You
Father, I adore you.
And I lay my life before you.
How I love you.
(Repeat, inserting 'Jesus' and 'Spirit'.)
Jesus Died For You and Me
(Tune: 'London Bridge')
(By A. Hubbard)
Jesus died for you and me.
You and me. You and me.
Jesus died for you and me.
He loves you and me!
Jesus rose up from the grave.
From the grave. From the grave.
Jesus rose up from the grave.
He loves you and me!
God the Father
(Tune: 'Are You Sleeping?')
(By M. Hubbard)
God the Father, God the Father,
loves us so. Loves us so.
He sent Jesus,
His one and Only Son
to die
for our sins.
God the Son, God the Son
loves us so. Loves us so.
He died on the cross
for all our sins.
Jesus Christ
is God's Son.
God the Holy Spirit
loves us so. Loves us so.
He lives within our hearts,
guiding all our ways
helping us
to obey.
Our God is An Awesome God
(Chorus only – By Michael W. Smith)
Our God is an awesome God.
He reigns from heaven above.
With wisdom, power, and love.
Our God is an awesome God!
Week 27 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Yy Letter Art Letters
Yy Not Yy Letter Sorting Mat
/y/ Not /y/ Picture Sound Sort
Letter Song Craft Sheet Yy
Review/ Easter
Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities

Easter Songs and Poems:
Jesus Died For All the Children
(Tune: 'Jesus Loves the Little Children')
Jesus died for all the children.
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children of the world.
Jesus Saved Me
(Tune: 'Jesus Loves Me')
(By M. Hubbard)
Jesus saved me, this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
Nailed to the cross for my own sins,
died, and buried, and raised again!
Yes, Jesus saved me!
Yes, Jesus saved me.
Yes, Jesus saved me.
He saved me from my sins.
Easter Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Egg Letter Board
Egg Pattern Path
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Egg Counting Board Game
Sorting Eggs by Size
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