Math Tubs
Math Tubs are simply plastic tubs containing games and hands on manipulatives for students to use that focus on a particular math concept. The tubs can be used as a directed center, one on one skill practice, or for additional reinforcement during free choice time once introduced. While working with the materials in each tub, students are practicing and developing one to one correspondence, numeral recognition, sorting skills, patterning skills, set recognition, etc.
The math area also contains manipulatives such as size bears, Unifix cubes, pattern blocks, plastic chain links, tiles, colored cubes, plastic animals, tangrams, etc. These are for students to use in conjunction with some of the math tub activities, but also for whole class lessons and free exploration.

Internet Resources
Math Centers - ideas from CanTeach
Number Family Tubs - tub ideas from The School Bell
Math Connections - ideas and related links for each concept from The Virtual Vine
Math Their Way - The text for the Math Their Way Summary Newsletter as well as the reproducible blackline masters
Suggested Resource Books
- Hands on Math K-1 by Virginia Johnson, Creative Teaching Press, 1994(ISBN CTP 2600)
- Instant Math Centers: Hands on Independent Math Activities GradesK-1 Edited by Ruth Simon, Creative Teaching Press, 2000 (ISBN CTP 2597)
- Count on Math: Activities for Small Hands and Lively Minds by Pam Schiller and Lynne Peterson, Gryphon House Publishers, 1999 (ISBN 0876591888)
- More Than Counting: Whole Math Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten by Sally Moomaw, Redleaf Press, 1995 (ISBN: 1884834035)
- Much More Than Counting: More Math Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten by Sally Moomaw, Redleaf Press, 1999 (ISBN 1884834663)
- Developing Number Concepts: Counting, Comparing, and Pattern by Kathy Richardson, Pearson Learning, 1998 (ISBN 0769000584)
- Math in Motion: Wiggle, Gallop, and Leap with Numbers (PreK-1) byBetsy Franco and Denise Dauler, Creative Teaching Press, 2002 (ISBN CTP 2286)
- Math Discoveries with Pattern Blocks by Shirley Hoogeboom, Ideal School Supply Company, 1994(ISBN 1564510883)
- Exploring Patterns in Math and Beyond by Betsy Franco, Scholastic, 1999 (ISBN 059064405X)
- Math Centers: Take It To Your Seat (Grades K-1) by Jo Ellen Moore, Evan-Moor, 2003(ISBN 1557999317)
- Instant Math Story Mats by Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic, 1999(ISBN 0590603396)
- Pictograms: Graphing Pictures for a Reusable Classroom Grid (Blackline Masters) by Laura Duncan Choate and JoAnn King Okey, Dale Seymour Publications, 1989 (ISBN 0866514872)