Joyful Heart Bible and Rhyme
Joyful Learning for 3-5 year olds
Weeks 7-9
Week 7: Joseph and His Brothers
Week 7 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Ee is for Emergency Review Sheet
Sample Activities

Week 7 Songs and Poems:
Ding Dong Bell
Ding dong bell,
pussy's in the well
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Flynn
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout
What a naughty boy was that,
try to drown poor Pussycat,
Who ne'er did any harm
But killed all the mice in the Farmer's barn!
Be Careful Little Eyes
Be careful little eyes what you see.
Be careful little eyes what you see.
For the Father up above
is looking down in love.
So be careful little eyes what you see.
Additional verses…
hands…what you do
mouth…what you say
ears…what you hear
feet…where you go
mind…what you think
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes. Jesus loves me.
Yes. Jesus loves me.
Yes. Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so
(Tune: 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush')
This is a square as you can see.
It has four sides all the same.
This is a square as you can see.
Now draw it in the air with me!
(From: The Mailbox Preschool, Oct./Nov. 2003)
(Tune: 'Three Blind Mice')
9, 1, 1 – 9, 1, 1
Help's on the way.
Help's on the way.
I dial this number for me and you.
It calls the police and the firehouse too!
It's 9, 1, 1. 9, 1, 1.
What Happens If There is a Fire?
(From: Mailbox Preschool)
(Tune: BINGO)
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do? Oh!
Get out! Quick! Get out!
Get out! Quick! Get out!
Get out! Quick! Get out!
Stay very low and go!
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do? Oh!
Stay out! Don't go back!
Stay out! Don't go back!
Stay out! Don't go back!
Don't go back in the house. No!
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do? Oh!
Get help! Call for help!
Get help! Call for help!
Get help! Call for help!
Call 911 for help! Oh!
Stop, Drop, and Roll
(Tune: 'The Farmer in the Dell')
Stop, drop, and roll.
Stop, drop, and roll.
If your clothes should catch on fire.
Stop, drop, and roll.
Never Play With Matches
(From: The Piggyback Songbook)
(Tune: 'Frere Jacques')
Never, never
play with matches.
If you do. If you do.
You might burn your fingers.
You might burn your fingers.
That would hurt!
That would hurt!
Never, never
play with matches.
If you do. If you do.
You might burn your house down.
You might burn your house down.
That would hurt.
That would hurt.
(Tune: 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush')
This is a triangle as you can see.
It has three corners and three sides.
This is a triangle as you can see.
Now draw it in the air with me!
Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Ee Letter Art Letters
Egg Pictures for Letter Art
E or e Letter Sorting Mats
Ee not. Ee Letter Sorting Mat
Emergencies vs. Non Emergencies
Firefighter's Ladder Recipe
Letter Song Craft Sheet Ee
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Fire Truck Snack Recipe - from Enchanted Learning
Shapes Hunt Sheets - from Sparkle Box (scroll down)
Week 8: The Exodus/Following the Pillar and Crossing the Red Sea
Week 8 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 8 Songs and Poems:
Red Sky at Night
Red sky at night,
Shepherd's delight.
Red sky at morning,
Shepherd's warning.
Baby Moses
(Tune: 'Frere Jacques')
(By M. Hubbard)
(Point angrily.)
(Make a frown.)
(Pretend to rock and cradle a baby in your arms.) (Make a 'Shh!' motion towards the pretend baby.)
(Point up to God. Continue to smile and pretend to hold and rock the baby.)
(Shrug shoulders and put arms out, palms up.)
(Point with surprise.)
(Clasp both hands on heart and point up.)
(Make gentle swaying motions with your hands.)
(Pretend to place a crown on your head.)
(Place one hand above your eyes and look around.)
(Point up and then down.)
(Run to the pretend river and pick up the pretend baby.)
Joseph's family lived in Egypt
for a long time.
for a long time.
Kill every baby boy
said the mean king.
It was sad.
It was sad.
Baby Moses. Baby Moses.
Hush. Hush. Hush.
Hush. Hush. Hush.
God has a plan.
A very special plan
for this child.
For this child.
Where is Moses? Where is Moses?
n the basket.
In the basket.
Your mommy trusts in God
that He will protect you
in the river.
In the river.
Here is the princess.
Here is the princess.
She sees Moses.
She sees Moses.
God brought her here
to get Moses
out of the river
to save him!
(Tune: 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush')
This is an oval as you can see.
It goes around.
But it is squished in.
This is an oval as you can see.
Now draw it in the air with me!
Let Those People Go
(By M. Hubbard)
(Tune: 'Ten Little Indians')
1 big, 2 big, 3 big plagues.
4 big, 5 big, 6 big plagues.
7 big, 8 big, 9 big plagues.
and the Pharaoh still said 'No!'
After the tenth plague, the Pharaoh said yes.
After the tenth plague, the Pharaoh said yes.
After the tenth plague, the Pharaoh said yes.
Let those people go!
Follow, Follow
(By M. Hubbard)
(Tune: 'Jesus Loves Me')
Follow, follow.
Yes I will!
Follow the pillar and the cloud.
Follow my Lord wherever He leads.
We are weak. But He is strong!
Yes, I will follow!
Yes, I will follow!
Yes, I will follow!
I will follow the Lord!
What's the Weather?
(Tune: 'Clementine')
What's the weather?
What's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
Is it sunny? (Hold arms above head in a circle.)
Is it cloudy? (Cover eyes with hands.)
Is it rainy out today? (Flutter fingers downward.)
Is it snowy? (Wrap arms around body and pretend to shiver.)
Is it windy? (Make a swooshing motion with your arm.)
What's the weather like today?
Did You See?
(By M. Hubbard)
(Tune: 'Twinkle Little Star')
Did you see what God just did?
Hold hands out, palms up.
Shade eyes with right hand.
Point up.
The water was so very high.
Raise your hands up as you are holding them out, palms down.
We didn't know which way to go.
Shake head 'no'. Shrug shoulders and hold hands out, palms up.
But then He made a path for us!
Line up both hands side by side, facing one another – creating a path. Move both hands forward and then out slightly to the sides.
Did you see what God just did?
Hold hands out, palms up.
Shade eyes with right hand.
Point up.
He saved us as He parted the Sea!
Point up. Place hand over heart. Line up both hands side by side, facing one another – creating a path. Move both hands forward and then out slightly to the sides. Walk forward.
Week 8 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Ff Letter Art Letters
F or f Letter Sorting Mats
Ff not Ff Letter Sorting Mat
Weather Pictures
Letter Song Craft Sheet Ff
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Water Cycle - from Weather Wiz Kids
Review/Changes in Fall
Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Fall Songs and Poems:
(From: Color, Shape, and Season Rhyme: Reproducible Rhyme Books
by Jean Warren. Totline Publications: 2001.)
Fall pumpkins
Fall leaves
Fall spiders
Fall apples
Fall nuts
Fall, fall, under the tree?
How many fall things can I see?
Apple Tree
(From: Little Hands Fingerplays and Action Songs: Seasonal Rhymes and Creative Play for 2 to 6 Year Oldsby Emily Stetson and Vicky Congdon. Williamson Publishing: 2001.)
Here is a tree with leaves so green.
(Stand up tall, with your arms stretched up and out.)
Here are the apples that hang in between.
(With one hand raised, pretend to be reaching around different apples.)
When the wind blows,
(Sway body back and forth and wave your arms over your head.)
The apples will fall.
(Crouch down.)
Here is the basket to gather them all!
(Pretend to hold a basket with one hand.
With the other pretend to pick up all of the fallen apples and place them into the basket.)
Picking Apples
(Tune: 'Row Your Boat')
Look at all the apples
Growing on the trees.
The number ___ is hanging there.
Can you pick it please?
Squirrel Play
(From: Little Hands Fingerplays and Action Songs: Seasonal Rhymes and Creative Play for 2 to 6 Year Olds by Emily Stetson and Vicky Congdon. Williamson Publishing: 2001.)
Here is a squirrel with eyes so bright.
(With your hands, form circles around your eyes)
Hunting for nuts with all his might.
(Place one hand above your eyes as though looking around.)
Here is his hole, where day by day
(Cup one hand to make a hole.)
Nut after nut, he stores away.
(Poke one finger down into the hole you made.)
When winter comes with the cold and storm.
(Pretend to shiver, with your arms across your chest)
Squirrel sleeps curled up, all snug and warm.
(Close your eyes and lay your head onto your folded hands.)
Falling Leaves
(Tune: 'Row Your Boat')
Look at all the leaves
Hanging on the trees.
The color ___ is ready to fall.
Can you find it please?
Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Individual Apple Pie Recipe
Numeral Apples to Accompany 'Picking Apples'
Resources Outside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Squirrel Numeral Match - from Early Learning Activities
Counting Acorns (to go with each numeral squirrel) - from Early Learning Activities
Squirrel and Acorn Counting: Booklet - from Early Learning Activities
Paper Plate Fall Leave Counting: - from Early Learning Activities
Week 9: 12 Spies in Canaan
Week 9 Daily Planning Sheet
(PDF containing a detailed planning sheet, day by day for this week)
Sample Activities:

Week 9 Songs and Poems:
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened
Miss Muffet away.
My God is So Big
My God is so big,
(Move your hands out from each side, as far apart as possible.)
So strong and so mighty,
(Make a muscle with your left arm. Repeat with your right arm.)
There's nothing my God cannot do.
(Shake head 'No' and point up.)
(Clap 2 times.)
Repeat Chorus
The mountains are His,
(Make upside down "v" with hands and arms to represent mountains.)
The valleys are His,
(Make "v" with hands and arms to represent valleys.)
The stars are His handiwork too.
(Hold hands above head, rapidly moving fingers like twinkling stars.)
Repeat Chorus
Be Strong in the Lord
(From Wee Sing: More Bible Songs)
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
If God is for us
then who can be against us?
Be strong in the power of the Lord.
Be strong in the Lord our God.
Be strong in the Lord our God..
For He is with us.
Be strong in the Lord our God..
Week 9 Related Resources:
These resources are all located inside Hubbard's Cupboard...
Gg Letter Art Letters
G or g Letter Sorting Mats
Gg not Gg Letter Sorting Mat
Shape Dominoes
Shape Cards
Letter Song Craft Gg
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